You can be Independent, we can help!

It is our mission to support individuals to live as independently as possible. We assist clients in making informed choices and include any service provider, family members, or appointed guardians and any other member of our client's person-centered treatment team.

Servicing participants enrolled in:

Please feel free to contact
Casey Ball Supports Coordination
at 717-317-3267:

Ready to get the services
you deserve? Call Casey!

ACT 150
OBRA Wavier

You can be Independent, we can help!

It is our mission to support individuals to live as independently as possible. We assist clients in making informed choices and include any service provider, family members, or appointed guardians and any other member of our client's person-centered treatment team.

Servicing participants enrolled in:

Please feel free to contact
Casey Ball Supports Coordination
at 717-317-3267:

Ready to get the services
you deserve? Call Casey!

ACT 150
OBRA Wavier



Casey Ball Supports Coordination, LLC provides quality service coordination to clients in the Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) and PA Department of Aging (PDA) Waivers. We assist our clients in gaining access to needed waiver services, as well as, medical, social, and other resources, regardless of funding source, to allow them to continue to live as independently as possible in the community.


Service Coordination is working with the direction of our client, whenever possible, to identify, coordinate, and facilitate waiver services. We welcome all individuals who can benefit from our services. We help people understand options in both a dignified and respectful way while, providing quality information and helpful options that can guide people to resources of their choice, ultimately supporting their decisions to connect to available services.


Casey Ball Supports Coordination also provides Guardianship and supports and services for at-risk individuals in all 67 counties of Pennsylvania. We recognize the equal rights of all people and affirm the value of all human beings. Casey Ball intentionally promotes acceptance of others, mutual respect, and welcomes differences!

Client situations we address may include:


  • Dementia
  • Physical impairment
  • Intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Elderly with no support system
  • Victims of financial exploitation


Casey Ball has Registered Nurses on staff to conduct assessments to ensure their medical needs are being met in addition to assuming responsibility for monitoring a client’s health care, ensuring appropriate housing and arranging for social services. If possible, we work to keep clients in their own homes as long as possible, helping maintain a good quality of life.


We take a Person First, Person-Centered, and Recovery Oriented approach to Guardianship!

You may be eligible for:


  • Personal Assistance Services
  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Assistive Technology
  • Medical Supplies
  • Community Integration Services
  • Financial Management Services
  • Home Health Care
  • Non-Medical Transportation
  • Home Modifications for Accessibility
  • Personal Emergency Response System
  • Respite Care and Services
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy

Ready to get the help you deserve?